
Prayer of abandonment written by Madame Elisabeth, sister of Louis XVI

04 April 2020 Article
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"What will happen to me today, O God, I don't know. All I know is that nothing will happen to me that You haven't foreseen from all eternity. That, O my God, is enough for me to rest easy. I adore your eternal Plans, I submit to them with all my heart. I want everything, I accept everything, I make a sacrifice of everything to You; I unite this sacrifice to that of Your dear Son, my Savior, asking You, through His Sacred Heart and through His infinite Merits, for the patience in my troubles and the perfect submission that is due to You for all that You will and will allow. So be it."

Madame Élisabeth de France (1764-1794)

Madame Elisabeth, sister of King Louis XVI, was guillotined at the age of 30 on the Place de la Concorde (Place Louis XV under the Ancien Régime, then Place de la Révolution). In the opinion of many of her contemporaries, she died in the odor of sanctity. Her doctor, Dr. Dacy, who met her on her way to the scaffold, told his wife on the way home, "I've just met an angel on her way to the scaffold". Madame de Genlis mentioned the scent of roses that wafted over the Place de la Concorde after her execution. Even today, the number of priestly vocations in the parish of Saint Symphorien, far higher than in other parishes, is attributed to the graces sent by Madame Elisabeth to her village. On the 250th and 220th anniversaries of her birth and death, let us pray for her beatification.