ANCRE - Employment assistance

Organizers / Managers
Qui-sommes-nous ?
ANCRE - ANF Cercle Recherche Emploiprovides voluntary support for jobseekers until they have found a job, and even beyond if necessary.
ANCRE is for people who are looking for a job, or who are offering one, or who want to help others find a job.
ANCRE does not take the place of employment professionals, but points people in the right direction, depending on the case, to find the right contact.
We rely on a network of professionals willing to receive our candidates for an orientation interview and to accompany them until they return to employment. This commitment is in line with A.N.F.'s values of mutual aid.
ANCRE's objective is to organize one evening conference per quarter, both to provide information on a given topic and to meet people interested in recruitment issues.