Qui-sommes-nous ?
CILANE (Commission d'Information et de Liaison des Associations Nobles d'Europe) was founded in Paris in 1959. It brings together the noble associations of European countries, with the aim of ensuring the exchange of experience and information between its members, on both cultural and charitable levels.In practical terms, CILANE enables members to reflect on the place of nobility in Europe in the 21st century, to strengthen ties of friendship - particularly between young people - and to uphold the traditional values of nobility.
The founding members of the Commission are France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Russia. The Commission's headquarters are in Paris, and its official language is French, with English as the working language. It is headed by a coordinator elected for three years. He prepares and directs the working sessions, which take place twice a year, in spring in Paris, and in autumn in another member country. Every three years, an international congress brings together the member associations.
CILANE has 16 members: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Portugal, the Netherlands, the Papal Nobility, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Denmark, Malta, Hungary and Croatia. Spain, Austria and Poland were also present as observers.
Each country is represented by a national delegate, as well as a representative of young people aged 18 to 35. The latter meet alongside the national representatives for working sessions. They also organize regular meetings several times a year in member countries - 6 to 10 weekends a year and a ski trip. For younger members, language exchanges are organized with host families.
To take part in CILANE activities, you need to be a member of a nobility association belonging to the Commission. For France, you need to be a member of the A.N.F., up to date with your dues. There are also age criteria which vary according to the activities:
- Language exchanges are for young people aged 12 to 17.
- International weekends are reserved for young people aged 18 to 35.
- Open events are organized for all ages.
CILANE offers young people the opportunity to be hosted in countries where they are likely to travel or work. It also enables them to learn foreign languages.
Taking part in a Weekend International (WEI) gives you unique access to the history and customs of European countries. It's also an opportunity to make new friends and professional contacts.
To come to the WEI, you need to be between 18 and 35 years old, have paid your A.N.F. membership fees and be a delegate to receive the annual program and register for events.
The A.N.F. offers financial assistance to young A.N.F. members once a year, for participation in a WEI. Resources and age of participants are taken into account.