Entraide spirituelle

Qui-sommes-nous ?

A.N.F. member priests available for spiritual support

  • Abbé Henry de Sainte Preuve offers to say masses for the intentions of A.N.F. members.

Contact: henrydesp@yahoo.fr

  • Canon Thibaut d'Aviau de Ternay is available for spiritual comfort by telephone (leave his name and contact details on his answering machine and he'll call you back).

Contact: chn.deternay@icloud.com; 06 72 77 15 06

  • Abbé Arnaud du Cheyron de Beaumont, although sent to Indonesia, is perfectly willing to be contacted by e-mail, whatsapp, skype, to answer a question.

Contact: aducheyron@hotmail.fr. Tel Ind: +62 811 992 0685 ; Tel Fr: +33 6 81 07 35 44

  • Father Amaury du Fayet de la Tour offers to carry prayer intentions, and to anoint the sick in extreme cases, in the north of Yvelines (Poissy, Mantes and Meulan hospitals, on condition that the request has been expressed and accepted by the carers).

Contact: dufayetdelatour@gmail.com; 0664282150

  • Abbé d'Argenson proposes prayers for members' intentions.

Contact: pada3@sfr.fr; 06 19 50 49 46

  • Mgr Antoine de Rochebrune makes himself available to A.N.F. members.

Contact: 07 70 06 61 01 (Paris)

  • Abbé de Labarre makes himself available to A.N.F. members.

Contact: guilhemdelabarre@gmail.com; 06 68 32 59 43

  • Jean-Augustin de Pontac, available for spiritual support, to answer questions or for teaching.

Contact: p.jean-augustin@stjean.com and 0786508527

  • Abbé d'Aigrement, prays well for all A.N.F. members and posts a few videos on his youtube channel aimed at nourishing the spiritual life at this time.

Contact : abbedaigremont@gmail.com (Bayonne)

  • Brother Pierre Marie de Kergorlay and his community are mobilized to pray and help those who are distressed or ill.

Contact: frerepierremarie@gmail.com (Couvent de la Haye-aux-Bonshommes, 49240 Avrillé)

  • Frère Jean du Cénacle (de Pontac) - communauté Saint Jean -
    • telephone hotline Wednesday and Saturday, 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
    • collection of prayer intentions to be entrusted to the brothers of Saint Jodard

Contact : 07 73 95 17 27

  • Stanislas de La Rochefoucauld : seminarian Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pierre
    • spiritual support, compassion and consolation
    • collection of prayer intentions

Contact : stanislas.delarochefoucauld@ wanadoo .fr

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