Qui-sommes-nous ?
The Jeunes de la Noblesse Française (JNF) offers students and young professionals the chance to get together for a variety of constructive activities.
Our ambition is to foster friendship between our members, through quality encounters and enriching experiences.
The JNF aims to give people the opportunity to live the strong, timeless values of nobility, without complexes or tensions, while being men of the 21st century.
It aims to develop in all French towns and regions. Join now!
- Three objectives and three values
JNF has three main objectives.
The young people of JNF are driven by a spirit of dynamism,openness and a deep attachment to theideals of nobility.
- A regional organization
Each region has a JNF committee, headed by an executive board. The committee initiates projects for activities and events, and manages the registration of new members. JNF France coordinates the regional sections and liaises with the ANF.
There are currently 4 local JNFs: JNF Paris, JNF Rhône-Alpes, JNF Maine-Anjou-Touraine, JNF Provence.
If your region or town is not listed, fill in our registration form below and we'll put you in touch with young people in your area.
If you'd like to set up a chapter in your area, or if you'd like to get in touch with other people motivated by this project, contact us today!
- Registrations
To become a member of the JNF, you must meet certain criteria:
- Be a member of the nobility officially recognized by the A.N.F.
- Be between the ages of 18 and 30.
- Apply for admission to the A.N.F. in the current year.
To subscribe to our mailing lists, please complete the form: JNF Registration
- A rich and varied program
JNF offers a wide variety of convivial outings. To ensure that there's something for everyone, the program is broad and covers :
-Cultural activities (conferences, private tours, exhibitions)
- Social events (cocktails, dinners, parties, tastings, barbecues)
-Sports activities (marathon, paintball, laser-game)
-Services (help for the disabled, the elderly)
We are committed to organizing quality events. It's aimed at young people of all political persuasions.
- Our international events: CILANE
As part of CILANE, sumptuous weekends are organized throughout Europe by the nobility associations of each country. With a program that combines privileged visits, evenings, balls and brunches, these stays give us the unique opportunity to meet our foreign peers and discover European culture at its best.
More than 10 weekends a year are planned, in Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Netherlands, Russia, Croatia... The A.N.F. offers financial assistance to participate in one of these weekends per year! For more information, please visit the CILANE section of our website.
Nous contacter
To contact JNF:
Facebook group(s):
JNF communicates actively via Facebook.
Contact us to join.
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